Beloit’s community is friendly, passionate, tight-knit, active, supportive, inclusive. (还有更多的形容词!)
简单地说, Beloit is where you find your people — and your thing (or, 视情况而定, 许多事情).
偷情者是艺术家和运动员, 诗人和实用主义者, 舞者和数据分析师, 经济学家和环保主义者. 我们怀疑你也是.
有几十个 俱乐部和组织 to choose from — and the ability to create your own — Beloiters don’t stay still for long. 他们为 student-directed戏剧,用碟子扔 贝洛伊特极限飞盘家族、主机 WBCR电台节目 和他们的朋友,3D打印在 公司实验室,并主持 慈善糕饼义卖 为了她们的姐妹会. (All on top of being hardworking students, of course.)
Students have the agency to create their own events within their 俱乐部 and orgs, or as volunteer members of the student-run 编程板 或者在 Student Engagement and Leadership (SEAL) 办公室. 贝洛伊特人每周都有日程安排 中世纪剑术比赛 (严重), 剪贴簿会话, 游戏之夜, 萨尔萨舞课, 方,甚至 特殊的旅行 to an apple orchard or a nearby city during spring and fall break.
纵情者关心彼此. 很多. Beloiters show up for their friends and classmates who act in the annual shadow cast of the 《MG官方电子平台》, 表演自己的作品 在他们的 音乐 当然, 表演单口喜剧, or 展示一个项目 关于《MG官方电子平台》中的生态女性主义 研讨会的一天. They stay connected with alumni they met in their 国际政治 然后在市中心遇到他们.
Beloiters also know what it’s like to be a team player, on the field and off. 大约有三分之一的学生是 贝洛伊特海盗, bonding with their teammates from all over the world. 他们的团队就是他们的校园家庭, pushing one another to be the best version of themselves as both an athlete and a student. Fans attend sporting events to cheer their teams on. 这就是贝洛伊特的方式.
Beloiters love their special events, we offer many: 民谣蓝调 is a 音乐 festival that’s been around since the ’70s. 课程被取消 春季的一天 to celebrate the much-anticipated warmer April weather. 在秋天的时候 下面和超越 而春天的 学生座谈会, students share their research, internship, 出国留学 experiences with the college community. All of these events break down the barriers of campus to bring students closer to each other and the greater community.
Other popular spaces are the gaming area and lounge in 的大国我们的学生会,还有 C-Haus, campus performance space and bar. 我们的学生喜欢 电影之夜, 在酒吧, 学术讲座, 打开麦克风, 音乐会. 在动力发电站,他们可以 计算出, 在打台球, 去游泳, 和朋友玩游戏.
Your wellness — in every sense of the word — is our top priority. Faculty and staff welcome and support each student both inside and outside the classroom. Access to quality healthcare (from illness to injury to sexual health), 咨询, other forms of support are an integral part of the 健康中心. Campus is an open and welcoming environment for all genders, cultures, identities.
The Beloit community extends far beyond the edge of campus. 伯洛伊特市中心是你的游乐场, 当地企业的家园, 餐厅, 咖啡馆, 夫妻店, 漂亮的公园, the state’s second-largest farmer’s market. 沃尔玛, 伍德曼(当地杂货店), big-box stores and chain 餐厅 are within a 10-minute drive. And the college offers frequent shuttles to 沃尔玛 throughout the school year to help students get the necessities.
通过 影响贝洛伊特, students work, volunteer, intern at countless community 组织: the 天空鲤鱼下面 小联盟棒球队 国家扫盲委员会, 医院, 妇女选民联盟, 威利环保中心, other nonprofits and local businesses. The city even features a well-known incubator called Irontek.
Beloit is also perfectly situated between a few other smaller and larger cities. 简斯维尔威斯康星州., 罗克福德,病了., are both less than a half-hour drive away, 提供一流的餐厅, 商店, 公园, 还有要做的事情. Thanks to the convenient and affordable Van Galder bus you can catch pretty close to campus, 麦迪逊, 密尔沃基, 芝加哥 很快就能到吗.
学生如何通过 贝洛伊特的房子 是有意的. 这里有适合每个人的东西, you get to experience as much of the diverse kind of housing here as you’d like.
Most first-year students and many sophomores have a roommate (or two!)在五个大厅之一: 609年爱默生, 奥尔德里奇, 理事, 查宾, or 毛雷尔. 每一种都有自己的风味, 配套设施包括水槽, 分开的双人房, extra-fancy休息室, 单性别或混合性别楼层, access to the dining hall via 奥尔德里奇 and 理事’s underground tunnel. (相信我,这很好.)
From there, many Beloiters branch out, living and leading orgs in a 特别利益院, like Anthro House, Art and Dance House, or Spanish House. 其他人则生活在他们的 兄弟会或姐妹会,或者是我们三所校内学校中的一所 公寓式建筑. A small number of seniors choose to rent off-campus. Kitchens are available in most buildings, allowing students to gather together when they aren’t grabbing a bite (and an hour or two of conversation with friends) in Commons or Hamiltons in 的大国.
Your growth doesn’t just happen in the classroom. In every nook and cranny of student life, you’ll meet a diverse student body from all over the country and the world who will challenge you, 支持你, 与您合作, 成为你一生的朋友.